Absolute headed to Guam

Absolute headed to Guam

As you may have noticed on the SPOT map, Absolute has passed Ulithi and continues to head North (and East, though its more ESE with current) to Guam. The difficult decision to not go to Ulithi was made after an essential part of the engine, the split coupling, which connects the engine to the propeller shaft, broke beyond repair at sea. The channel to get into Ulithi lagoon is challenging to navigate under power and several times more so under sail alone. On top of that, to be be under sail you need wind. When all of this happened, there was a long period any wind at all. So, Absolute bobbed about without any way to move in any direction. When the wind picked up from the East again it made the most sense to head with it, N, instead of fighting against the current to get to the Ulithi channel and hope there was wind to navigate it (and assuming the risk of doing so under sail). Lastly, we more recently learned that there may be another system brewing that will head toward Yap so Absolute heading back toward Guam is probably safest for Pete, Mo and the boat as well. This was a really disappointing prospect to face. The mission was partially successful as donated supplies were all delivered upon the initial stop in Ulithi. You can continue to watch progress toward Guam on the SPOT map.