Closing in on Guam

Closing in on Guam

“LLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNND HOOOOOOOOOO!” – Peter Crispell, the ninth of May twenty-fifteen

Pete and Mo are within sight of Guam. They should arrive within the next 12 or so hours. The past few days have been rough with some stormy weather, currents and waves that made eastward progress really tough. Sail repairs underway, a possibly broken tailbone, and a thriving mold growing in the cabin were some of the challenges of the past few days. Those and the looming threat of a tropical depression that formed up close to Pohnpei and is now tropical storm Dolphin (still plenty far away from Absolute and Guam, though it could make an approach toward Guam at the end of the week).  Still Absolute’s text  messages had mention of starry nights and moonlight, green flashes, and the occasional hot meal.

Looking forward to having them back on land. But not as much as they are.

Stay tuned to the SPOT map to see when they make it back to GU.